Welcome to My Portfolio!

About Me

I'm an accounting and finance professional turned software engineer with an aspiration to leverage my technical expertise on projects that can improve people's lives, whether it is in greater convenience, innovative solutions or simple enjoyment!

Feel free to look around to learn more about me and what I'm up to :)


  • Javascript

  • React

  • Redux

  • Ruby

  • Rails

  • PostgresSQL

  • Node.js

  • MongoDB

  • ExpressJS

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • SASS

  • jQuery

  • AWS

  • Webpack

  • Visual Studio

  • Git

  • Github

  • Mongoose

  • npm

  • Postman

  • Visual Basic

  • Google Maps API

  • Heroku

Recent Work


Mybnb is a full-stack, single-page application clone of Airbnb that uses React and Redux on the front-end and Ruby on Rails, PostgresSQL and AWS S3 on the back-end. This project leverages Google Maps APIs, AWS image hosting and responsive web design to provide a seamless UX / UI.


ImDown! is a motivational, social media application built using a MERN stack and AWS hosting. The app is designed to bring people with common interests together. Users can create, join and track challenges shared to the community, post progress updates and collect achievements.

Quick Chef

Quick Chef is a vanilla Javascript cooking game where the player moves around and use key combinations to complete recipe/order requests. The project leverages Canvas API, Tone.js and asynchronous event-handling for a fun and interactive player experience.

Get In Touch

Thank you for taking the time to look at my Portfolio. I look forward to hearing from you!